Using Blur Tool in Photoshop

learning by reading

To create a blur on the photo depending on the type of camera / lens that we use. In this case there are several things that affect. It will be discussed in the article next time.

Because of the limited camera or lens, then we'll  hard to create a blur in the background. Therefore we need a digital image editing tools for photo appearance according what we want. In this case we will use the Blur Tool in Photoshop. To open file you must read this first.

It is very easy to create a blur on the photo we will edit using the Blur Tool. Especially using Photosop. Here are the steps:
1. Open the file that you wan to edit

new photo
2. Left click the Selection tool and hold it until they release a new choice. Select the quick selection tool to select the image you want to blur it.

choose quick selection tool
after using quick selection tool
3. Left Click on the Blur tool and hold it (picture like water from dripping). Choose the blur tool.

choose blur tool
4. The strength of the blur tool can be changed on the top menu. The strength of the blur tool show at percentage. You can change your liking. And you can change how big the circle to blur tool

strength of blur tool
resize the blur tool
5. Rub crusor to the section you want blur or to all parts of the photo. If you want more blur then you change the percentage strength of the blur tool. Or you can be wiped several times.

before                                                                                               after

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